51220 - SPECTRA



Cat II


Spun knitted gloves SPECTRA®-LYCRA super sensitive, in vanisè. Appearance colour green (grey and white variants). The glove has been treated to both washing and autoclave sterilisation tests.
The results are the following:
a) after three 60° washing, protection levels were
b) after an autoclave sterilisation at 121° protection levels
were constant.
Attention: we do not exclude a protection drop after more washings or sterilisation process than the ones indicated. Moreover, the glove maintains its physical and mechanical characteristics also after the gas-plasma sterilisation with a “Sterrad Nx” steriliser.

Technical Specifications

Technique :Knit
Composition :SPECTRA®
Instructions :Dry handing of sharp pieces; good resistance to abrasion, great comfort and dexterity, hyper sensitive, recommended for SANITARY sector, MILITARY sector, glass, food, paper, mechanic, automotive and for assembling industry where there is high cutting risks. Excellent protection against cutting risks. Used on the
military sector for weapons cleaning.
Use limitation: Because of its very high endurance to the traction of the fibres used, knitted gloves must not be used in case of haulage (moving rotating parts).
Art. Colour Size Length mm Gauge Dexterity
51220 green 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 220-270 13 5